Richard Nightingale
Coming soon
"open and frank...."
Richard talks openly and frankly about his previous proposals to turn the Tropicana into a swimming complex, proposals which were turned down by North Somerset Council. Along with politics in North Somerset Council and on Weston-super-Mare Town Council, and how they play a big part in how decisions are affected.
Richard also speaks candidly about his business dealings with Mr Barry Bailey, trading at Bristol Airport, Mr Bailey’s relationship with BBC Points West and the accusation that Barry Bailey withheld the facts from viewers. Richard also talks about his treatment by the Conservative Party and John Penrose MP, after he made a whistleblowing complaint about financial irregularity, which led to his almost immediate suspension. This and so much more are part of these exclusive, insider interviews………..
Richard Nightingale
All the facts
In a series of “tell all interviews” Richard talks about his life, experiences and the people and the organisations he has worked with over the years. Hold onto your hats, it’s exciting stuff! Watch this page for future updates.
Richard says, “there has been so much fake news, especially over recent years. These frank and direct interviews gave me an opportunity to talk openly about the facts, so people can make up their own minds.”
Richard also touches on the worrying behaviour of some Councillors such as Sarah Codling, Ruth Jacobs, Marc Aplin, Roz Willis, along with the Mayor, James Clayton.

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